Monday, October 05, 2009

Approaching the Third Trimester

I'm now in my 25th week and soon crossing over to the third trimester. This is indeed the honeymoon period of the whole pregnancy. No morning sickness and not too much excessive weight and the pains that comes with it. I have been having some leg cramps in the middle of the night and slight back aches but they are still tolerable at this point. In fact, I feel just like my normal self except with a distended belly.

I think I'm developing pathophobia (fear of disease). Ever since the H1N1 virus went rampant, I've been avoiding enclosed crowded places and I've been trying to stay away from people who obviously have the flu. The problem is that most people in Singapore are quite inconsiderate when it comes to containing diseases. I've had a few colleagues who are sick and been told by the doctor to go home but insist on staying in the office because they are just oh-so indispensable that if they don't get something done today, the company is going to collapse. In fact, they would still calmly eat lunch at the same table with me, bravely suffering their sniffling.

This morning, on the bus to work, I sat next to an equally dutiful employee who was holding a partially used tissue which she used to dab at her nose every 5 minutes, while wheezing like darth vadar through out the whole 30 minute journey. If I could find myself a sterilizing room, I would walk in right this instant. The amazing thing is that through all the flu-ridden people that I've encountered so far, I've managed to stay virus free.

Granted I've been actually eating more healthily than before -- more fruits, more water, less junk food. It wasn't a conscious decision, it's just that most food don't taste as great anymore. What's the point of eating a sinful piece of fried chicken if you are not enjoying it? Well's let's hope for an uneventful third trimester as well.