Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wedding Rings

We bought wedding rings on Saturday. We probably made the trainee sales assistant's day with that transaction. Not that she was very helpful, mind. I already knew the design that I liked. I saw it at another branch earlier where everybody was too busy attending to the $200 purchases *oh I think this bracelet is too delicate* to care about the potential >2k sale in a ratty t-shirt and cargo pants. I did give them a fair chance sitting there for 5 minutes totally unattended feeling like a moron.

Actually even at this shop, there was a couple looking at wedding rings who was hogging the display. So it was a good thing I knew what I wanted. While we paid for our purchases, the same couple was *still* seated there. Starting to wonder if we were too quick in purchasing it. We *did* visit several jewellers prior to the purchase. So anyway, the ring is not ready yet and it probably looks like any other wedding ring so I'm not gonna post a pic. Embarassingly, darling has the same ring size as me. I shall happily conclude that he's way too skinny instead of the contrary.

Yeah so the ring comes with this dazzly diamond thing. The bright side (pun unintended) is that i won't have to endure awkward outbursts of "Oh, you mean it's a wedding ring? Where's the diamond?" Not that I would have cared. Eat sparkly diamond glare. So the ring I liked came with the stone. I guess I could have asked for the male version which doesn't have a diamond. Didn't really strike me at that point in time.

Women must be magpies reincarnated.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Time, anyone's best friend

After work has started, spare time has become a most precious commodity. Seriously, I won't trade them for the biggest diamonds in the world. Well, unless I can sell the gem and live off the proceeds w/o ever having to work again. Hmmm....*rubs chin slowly*

Okay enough of my crazy Monday-induced fantasies. It's not that I'm extremely busy. As of now I still work only regular hours, 8:30 to 5:30. Later on, 7/8 appears to be the norm but even then it's still much better than the hectic, insane hours my dear e* lives through. But the transition from being a time rich, cash poor student to a time poor, cash still poor working adult is still quite a shocker. Before I graduate, I'd shudder at having only 2-3 hours every night of R&R ( rest and relax).

Now, after one month, I've gotten used to it. I no longer spend as much time surfing the web for manga (mainly because I don't have unlimited broadband :o( ); I spend about 15 minutes watching telly; and the rest of the time I can read or play FF on the Gamecube. Weekends are usually a whirlwind of activity. Saturday mornings are reserved for chores (i.e going to the bank/ post office); Sunday afternoon is gym time while he plays basketball. The remainder is either visiting warehouse sales (I just got this gorgeously soft Elle leather mules for S$30!! Yay me!), borrowing thrashy magazines from the library or just more R&R.

The weekends usually make me reluctant to go back to work coz they are so much fun. I guess that's why I'm reluctant to spend any of that time on something as boring as making marriage arrangements. We *did* go shopping for platinum wedding bands.

Anyway, I can only do the solemnization thing on a weekday. I think it can be done on weekends but only if you purchase their package things (?) The website isn't particularly helpful. Somehow most webpages in Singapore/ Malaysia are like that lots of flash and colour but totally lacking in useful content.

Anyway, we are both hoping to get by with the simplest of weddings. I think our parents are more eager for a grand wedding than we are. Will keep you guys posted on what we decide on. If it were up to us, we'd just get legally married and dinner with a couple of close friends. And no fancy wedding gown or silly posing wedding photos. I think I will actually consent to having some flowers though. Sunflowers to be exact.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Btw all, I'm going to go register our marriage soon. Like when we can find the time. *doodeedoo*