Monday, August 15, 2005

Time, anyone's best friend

After work has started, spare time has become a most precious commodity. Seriously, I won't trade them for the biggest diamonds in the world. Well, unless I can sell the gem and live off the proceeds w/o ever having to work again. Hmmm....*rubs chin slowly*

Okay enough of my crazy Monday-induced fantasies. It's not that I'm extremely busy. As of now I still work only regular hours, 8:30 to 5:30. Later on, 7/8 appears to be the norm but even then it's still much better than the hectic, insane hours my dear e* lives through. But the transition from being a time rich, cash poor student to a time poor, cash still poor working adult is still quite a shocker. Before I graduate, I'd shudder at having only 2-3 hours every night of R&R ( rest and relax).

Now, after one month, I've gotten used to it. I no longer spend as much time surfing the web for manga (mainly because I don't have unlimited broadband :o( ); I spend about 15 minutes watching telly; and the rest of the time I can read or play FF on the Gamecube. Weekends are usually a whirlwind of activity. Saturday mornings are reserved for chores (i.e going to the bank/ post office); Sunday afternoon is gym time while he plays basketball. The remainder is either visiting warehouse sales (I just got this gorgeously soft Elle leather mules for S$30!! Yay me!), borrowing thrashy magazines from the library or just more R&R.

The weekends usually make me reluctant to go back to work coz they are so much fun. I guess that's why I'm reluctant to spend any of that time on something as boring as making marriage arrangements. We *did* go shopping for platinum wedding bands.

Anyway, I can only do the solemnization thing on a weekday. I think it can be done on weekends but only if you purchase their package things (?) The website isn't particularly helpful. Somehow most webpages in Singapore/ Malaysia are like that lots of flash and colour but totally lacking in useful content.

Anyway, we are both hoping to get by with the simplest of weddings. I think our parents are more eager for a grand wedding than we are. Will keep you guys posted on what we decide on. If it were up to us, we'd just get legally married and dinner with a couple of close friends. And no fancy wedding gown or silly posing wedding photos. I think I will actually consent to having some flowers though. Sunflowers to be exact.


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