Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where's the Excitement?

If I was going to a totally new working environment, would I feel more excitement than this quiet dread? My lack of interest in the new job is a little disconcerting to me because for me lack of interest really means that I'll do a terrible job. For some reason, I do really poorly in thinks I've lost interest in. Like a boring essay topic, or dry lectures + lecturers. I've gone through many subjects in school by finding interest in them. Otherwise, I don't think I would have done as well as I did. The ones that I didn't, totally flunked out on me.

Hopefully I will find some spark in the work I am assigned, considering I did not even have a choice in the matter. But I guess this wil be like going back to where it all began -- the very first internship that inspired me to study operations research instead of the more traditional engineering fields.

Sadly, I can probably muster more enthusiasm for the upcoming WoW expansion even though I've stopped playing for a few months.


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