Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I think my motherly instincts must be catching up to me. That or I'm sick of life in the corporate world. If I could have my way, I would hide in a little room as a mad scientist, analyzing data and thinking up wild experiments. Ok, I concede that this isn't the motherly part I was refering to. But recently, I've been thinking of retiring from life chasing some corporate ladder. I realize that I do not have the temperament for it. While I can act assertively and do the necessary for those in a leadership position, I don't enjoy it. I don't enjoy being with people.



e* said...

are you thinking of a mini-me?? :))

that'll be cool! and i can visit and scare it! buahahahaha ;)

meeloop said...

Yes then I can hold the world ransom for 1 meeeelion dollars. Mwahahaha.