Thursday, August 13, 2009

Apprehension to Change

It's funny how one can crave change yet feel so apprehensive about it. We were afraid of stagnating in place, our of sheer inertia, but now that the changes are coming in waves, I grow worried. Maybe the fearfulness is a conditioned survival response - the body craves routine and predictability. Even as our brain rationally knows that it will decay without new challenges.

In actuality, we work for a company where we can be reasonably "successful" if only we could convince ourselves to stay. I say successful in quotation because it's really success in the eyes of the common people i.e get promoted with a dependable and decent salary etc. Granted, we would be bored out of our skulls and the bureaucracy would be annoying to bear, but nontheless we would do okay.

But in my mind, that would be a meaningless existence. Basically, we have quite low levels of monetary/material requirements - we don't care about branded stuff, big houses, fancy restaurants, big cars etc. So earning oodles of moolah isn't top on our priority list. All I want from life right now is to find something I'll like doing, something that has more meaning than pushing paper and tweaking digits to suit someone's whims and fancies.

So here we are then, at the juncture of the quarterly life crisis... well not really crisis. Just more like determined to get out of that scary routine life we might have been sucked into. So it's something we really want to do but I guess I can't help but feel a little scared (maybe a little excited?). Coz in the end, change could go either way.

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