Monday, December 27, 2004

No more Toys "R" Us

I don't wanna grow up
I'm a Toys R Us kid
They've got a million toys at Toys R Us
That I can play with
From bikes to trains to video games
It's the biggest toy store there is
I don't wanna grow up, because if I did
I wouldn't be a Toys R Us kid.
More games, more toys. (Oh boy!)
I wanna be a Toys R Us Kid
When I was a wee kid of 12, going to Toys "R" Us was one of my biggest dreams. Being able to run amok along the aisles and aisles of toys and pick anything I want was probably my deathbed wish at that time. The Toys "R" Us store was in Subang and since we lived a good 45 minutes to an hour away, I never got to prowl those fantasy aisles. The first Toys "R" Us I ever visited was in Singapore. e* wanted to go buy a toy for her JC classmate so we visited this dinghy one that was located along Orchard Road. The ceilings were grey from age and the once pristine tiles worn from the years of ponding feet. Still, Toys "R" Us remained to me what a child's paradise should be.

Recently however, there has been news that Toys "R" Us has fallen from grace. Once the biggest toy store with a leading market share of 20%, it is now lagging behind mass retailers like Walmart and Target. It has supposedly indicated in August that it may sell its toy division in favor of concentrating on it faster growing baby supplies division, Babies "R" Us. What? How could Toys "R" Us no longer sell toys? This is outrageous. It's like Coca Cola selling their soft drinks division and concentrate on selling napkins instead.

Recently, I've been walking the Target toy sections but can't really seem to relive the joy and excitement of browsing toys anymore. It could be the trend where most toys are based off some movie like Lord of the Rings is putting me off. The Bratz dolls and alien-teletubby look-alike toys aren't making it more appealing either. Or as I've said before, it could be that I've grown old. No more Toys "R" Us kid for me. :(

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