Friday, January 07, 2005

Ticking Me Off

One of the things people can do to really tick me off is to first accuse me of something I didn't do and when they realize their mistake, contrive of some other way to make what I did seem wrong. A simple "I'm sorry. I made a mistake." would have earned you some respect.

Somehow, that is usually true of the figures of authority I've known -- not that I've known many. They assume that admitting to making a mistake is akin to admitting to a weakness. They are too self-centred to notice the damage they do when they knowingly gloss over their mistakes or worse still, try to exonerate themselves by placing the blame on an innocent party. Trying to make yourself look pristine and infallible does not get you anywhere when everyone knows that you are fallible and just as human as the next. I can't muster any shred of respect for a person who cares more about their face than about doing right, even if they are a genius at what they do.

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