Sunday, November 13, 2005

Moving Along

Apropos e*'s post about moving on, I have to confess that 4 months into the job and I already have the desire to move on. The company culture just isn't me. Too fussy about minute details. Too squabbly. And most of all very very Gen X. Read this article recently about Gen Y's at the work place. While I've always hated such type casting, I for once can identify with being a Gen Y. Some of the points mentioned:

  • Do not respond to the traditional command-and-control type of management.
  • Have a speak-your-mind philosophy
  • Care about work-life balance
  • Embrace change
  • Comfort with technology
  • Crave constant feedback

On the other hand, there's the feeling that the situation is the same in most work places. But I do not feel like I can do anything to change the status pro quo.

Sigh. I miss my MENG project days. I think I just miss projects where you have a sense of mission and of achieving something. And I don't feel like I'm a highly qualified clerical officer to an indecisive bunch. I'm probably exaggerating this somewhat. I just feel like I need a clearer direction of where my life is going. So if things don't work out here, my next career choice is to be a consultant. Or a financial analyst. Or a not-very-rich tai tai.

1 comment:

e* said...

Oh how I Wish i were a Gen-Y-er in substance as well as in form! instead, i think i'm way too unvocal and would rather suffer in silence than to speak up.

having said that, i'm feeling like moving on from my job too. been feeling that for a while. it is One guy who keeps me there. but that guy could inspire me to leave too.