Tuesday, October 31, 2006


A few years back, I chanced upon NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I thought -- “Cool, that would be a nice way to get me back on the writing track”. Writing had come so easily in my late teens. I was so hungry to write and did leave quite a legacy of letters and diary entries during that period. Perhaps it’s a reflection of the flurried pace of my then growing ideology.

As university life started, love became the center of attention. Having never had to share a life with someone else, it was a brand new experience. Regretfully, I did not manage to chart the progress in words. Though in retrospect, we shared similar worldviews and there were few philosophical kinks to smooth through. All I could have written about would be silly quibbles, our little adventures in wintry Ithaca and a sense of wonder at how much happiness and contentment a relationship can offer. And as I suddenly remembered, we were sharing the use of one PC for the first year where all the excitement was and the whole idea of twosome living had somewhat precluded me from these private musings.

I’ve been wanting to take part in NaNoWriMo. I’ve managed to put it off with various excuses: -- settling in with work life (and no PC at that time either), no story ideas, etc…
A few years back, there was a Booker award nominee who was a truck driver who wrote during the odd off-time he had at work. (Don’t think he win that one…. Can’t remember if that was the year with Arundhati Roy or the one after) That was quite inspirational for me – though not inspirational enough to remember his name apparently.

So as this is the first day of November, I’ve decided to start small with my own BloWriMo (Blog Writing Month). I figured if there’s nothing fictional that I can think to write about, I might as start with my own life. So lookout for more postings in this space. __________________________________________________________

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