Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taking Charge

As is my wont, I've been vaccilating between periods of low, depressed self-loath and a sense of worth and purposefulness. Thankfully the doldrums are over for now and I feel renewed with energy to get things done. One of the things that I got inspired to do all of a sudden is to dress professionally. According to an article, people who dresses more professionally have a higher tendency to get promoted. I guess that's somewhat part and parcel of the acting and looking the part strategy.

In my current company, people tend to dress fairly casually with minimal make-up etc. With some effort, I've begun to incorporate at least some blush and lipstick into my daily look. Except that I still feel shy to refresh my lip colour in the middle of the day >_< So yes, I have red luscious lips in the morning and pale ghastly ones at the end of the day. So much for professionalism there.

The other thing I've been wanting to do is to get some formal pencil skirts. Somehow none of the ones I tried looked flattering on me. It's odd but when I tried on some bottoms at G2000, I could fit into most of the size 34 skirts but a size 36 pants was absolutely horrendously tight on me. What's up with their sizing?!? I would really think about tailoring some but I'm not willing to invest in that right now. Will have to strive onwards to hunt for respectable looking skirts and pants.

I'll have to try my utmost to dress up my darling as well since he himself couldn't be bothered. Well, not quite dress up. But he definitely need some new shirts. Oh boy, sounds like my brother. Men!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Online Shopping

It is ironic that I'm that much more an online shopping here than when I was in the US of A - land of eBay, free online shipping and fabulous return policies. Now I have to deal with the horrible postage fees and yet I'm buying more things. So much so in fact that my in-laws have noticed the constant stream of bubble wrapped packages that are coming through the mail.

Ever since our marriage I've turned into a more girly person than I ever was. Now I actually know abit more about make-up, skincare and girly clothes etc. Which explains the additional purchases. I still wear the same stuff to work mind you and my make-up is minimal (the weekends may probably fall under the subtle category. I realized that I'm still more of a lips person than eyeshadow person...hmmm)

But all these girly whirly stuff makes me feel like my brain is turning into cotton candy under a hot sun - all gooey, drippy and gunky... boo.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A State of Zen

This morning, after a wasted trip to get my pass done, I was in a surprising state of zen -- letting events flow pass me as inevitable consequences, focusing only on the flows that I can influence. Okay, in no nonsense non-zen words, I simply accepted that some negligence including my own brought about this situation and that getting angry/ upset does not remedy it in any way. I just have to focus on the here and now and what I can do next to change the situation.

People say that married people get more alike and it's true. I learn this from my carefree husband and I must say I quite like the change. Hopefully it's here to stay :)

That said though I was very sad that I didn't meet e* when she came by last week. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to be vigilant about when she was coming. And being the klutz that I was, I missed her phone call, didn't check my gmail till it's too late...etc. Basically everything that was wrong. It's rare enough that I get to see her. We don't talk enough. Partly I'm to blame. I've turned all anti-social.
