Sunday, December 12, 2004

Laptops a Hot Fertility Issue

Interesting story about laptops and fertility.

Men who regularly balance their laptop computers on their laps when working may be jeopardizing their ability to have children, according to a new study from fertility researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

The potential risk comes from the heat generated by the laptop computer and the close position of one's thighs when balancing the computer on one's lap, the researchers found. This heat is transferred to the scrotum, where the temperature can rise several degrees, putting users within the danger zone for testicular dysfunction. [...]

Scientists have known for years that an increase of even 1 degree Celsius in testicular or scrotal temperature can decrease the production of healthy sperm by as much as 40 percent. In the Stony
Brook study, researchers found that test subjects who sat for an hour with running laptops on their laps had a median increase in scrotal temperature of 2.6 to 2.8 degrees Celsius.

The 29 volunteers, aged 21 to 35, were also asked to sit with their thighs together for an hour without a laptop. This resulted in a median increase in scrotal temperature of 2.1 degrees, suggesting that the act of balancing a laptop computer is just as much to blame as the
heat generated by it.
The most hilarious line in the whole article though, has to be this:
The tests did not measure the volunteers' actual sperm production.

First it was handphones in the pocket, now it's laptops. Heh heh Singapore might need to ban both to give the population a hand in acheiving their baby targets :P


vyanne said...

Hee..interesting. Wives have to lock away their husbands' laptops to prevent them from working in the night right before they sleep...Hahaha.
Hey, still in the midst of finals? Will be over soon ya? Jia you!

meeloop said...

yeah next week and then it'll be over :)