Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Greener Grass, Rounder Moon

It has been snowing furiously for the past 1 and 1/2 weeks. There had been no snow all through December and I was even commenting on how nice and mild the winter had been. Then suddenly, one week before school started, the capricious Ithaca weather struck again. The snowing hasn't let up at all and thick marshmallows of it has accumulated on the cars, lampposts and outdoor structures. In other parts of northeastern US, some people have reportedly been snowed in (My mum frantically gave me a call just a moment ago to check on me coz they saw some video on TV) So even though the temperatures went as low as -20c, it's not quite THAT bad.

As I was walking home, I was thinking that despite how much I hated the weather now, I'll probably miss it when I'm not here. Or rather especially since I am not here! As the saying goes, the grass is greener on the other side. So in my memories, there will be no slushy walks to school that makes my legs of my pants stiff with caked salt; I do not fall down on the sidewalk; my hands never felt frostbitten; my legs won't itch from the extreme dryness; my butt won't ache from walking in the snow day after day.


vyanne said...

-20 degree! O_o ! and it is "not that bad"?? haha.

meeloop said...

Yeah lor, I can probably live without a fridge in this area. Just dig a hole in the front yard and bury all my food there. :P