Friday, February 18, 2005

Aches and Change

[Edit: Holy crap, I just realized that the stupid expandable post thing, the More... things are everywhere. Ignore them pls unless I mention in the post that you should read it. Will try and fix that... *moan*]

Once again, I fell. At the same spot. Down the same road. I'm starting to see a pattern here: treading carefully, in fact painstakingly, down the most treacherous portion of the path, rejoicing over the fact that I did not fall, only to slip in the next minute at the area which I would classify only as mildly dangerous.

I'm still aching buckets today so I guess it is true that it hurts most when you least expect it.

On a different note, I've begun to really appreciate myself. I don't know how it all began but I feel that my perception of myself has changed. Over every tick of the clock, change creeps in, sometimes so slowly and imperceptibly that you thought that you were the same as before. But if you stop and take a snapshot of yourself right now and compare it to another snapshot of yourself one,two, five... years before, you would be surprised at how you are subtly but certainly different. Most of the primary features that make you you are there but there are also lines that mark you as more mature, more confident, more collected, less frightened, less fidgety, more haggard, more jaded, less trusting...etc (By lines, I don't mean wrinkles :P) So that's what this blog really is about - snapshots of my life -- Polaroids that don't cost you $10 a pop.

P.S: Will be attending the Annual Chili Cookout tomorrow. Will be back with pics. Unless it snows so hard that I don't get to go :(


vyanne said...

*ouch*... have u kept record this is the how many times u have fallen? :P

Haha, certain things r really fang2 bu4 sheng4 fang2.

Annual Chilli Cookout? Sounds fun. Something "hot" to ward off the cold of winter eh? :)

e* said...

Yeah... I've just been browsing through my archives too (from my old blog)... and I can see the difference in the way I write/feel... it's almost scary, how much I've changed, without realising it, over the years. :)

Urgh... falling on icy roads - that is why i HATE snow. Take care hon!