Monday, June 11, 2007

The Blues

    In my reality, the week's blues starts at Sunday night, right about 7pm when I'm paralyzed by an irrational urge to to cram in something that would make my weekend more wow than a good rest. In 20/20 hindsight, it's clearly a stressful and pretty much pointless endeavor that basically ruins a good sunday night.

  • 7pm -8pm: Bemoan the fact that tomorrow is a Monday. Sometimes come with some moping.
  • 8pm- 10pm: Play World of Warcraft as usual. Woes temporarily forgotten.
  • 10-pm-11pm: Getting tired. Grumpy that I'm spending yet another night on a game.
  • 11pm-12pm: More moping and dragging of feet. Occasionally clears up a corner of the mess on the sofa to feel productive.
  • 12pm - : Go to bed feeling depressed that the weekend is over too soon.

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