Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Was reading about this 26 year old lady, M, on one of the local forums who claimed that she is holding a job that pays SGD20k but is so tired it all that she wants to quit her job and go backpacking while living on her investments which is yielding her 10k a month. Regardless of whether it is true (and it could well be), it was pretty sad when she talked about how her husband and parents are too busy working to accompany her on a trip and how meaningless life is. And then she asked "What keeps you going?"
I thought about it and looked at my life. I'm the same age as her and though I earn but a fraction of her income, I'm perfectly happy with every aspect of my life. Not happy as in satisfied and contented per se -- I still want to get out of this job, but my goals are very clear.
  • My love for my husband is fulfiling.
  • I'm looking for a job that will keep me intellectually occupied.
  • I'm planning to take a CFA course just for the heck of learning.
  • I want to have time to take care of my kids in the not too near, not too distant future.
  • I wouldn't mind being a stay at home mum, making bentos for my loved ones.
  • I want to continue writing.
  • I want to have more time for my interests: reading, learning random new skills (like make-up haha)
One of the things I've never really wanted though is all the silly money, status, luxury stuff. Not to say that I won't take the money if given to me, but it's not important. I know I will have enough for my simple needs. I know I live a free life with little regrets. And you know, that's really all that matters.

*Darling and I concluded that it's because we are anti-social that we don't care about the usual things other people care about like money etc... I'm not sure I like the term anti-social but I figured he's probably right. We're just not the kind of people who cares about what other people think.

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