Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Great Escape

Counting down the days. 720 more to go.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Good Weekend

It was a good weekend. I spent most of my time reading Raymond E. Feist's Daughter of the Empire. It's a fairly well written book with a decent plot and captivating writing style. Though I did end up feeling like I watched an action movie -- it was all BAM BAM WHAM from the beginning till the end. Character development was a bit lacking but it was a decent weekend book nontheless.

We also went back to our fav bowl of ramen at Marutama@Central. The mall has certainly gotten on a good start by attracting a variety of eateries, some of which can only be found in Central. The shops have a general Japanese theme about them with quite a few hawking trinkets, goodies and snacks from the land of the rising sun.

Of course, we also had many nice breaks cuddling in bed/ on the sofa. Somehow not doing anything but relax in each others arms is a great way to pass time. It's obviously not productive but just feels great.

Not to mention that his paladin is now level 60! Finally we can play together again. (This will be my 3rd level 70 character.... eep geek alert)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Writing on my Forehead

There's this colleague who I don't know well who's been asking about me. He's married and he knows I'm married so it's not a romantic thing. I barely know him. He's a close friend to one of the colleagues in my department.

He's not even in the country most of the time but he's asked two people separately if I'm okay. And I wonder to myself if I've had something written on my forehead. For all intents and purposes, I've appeared quite cheerful at work for the last 6 months. I've been wondering about what it was that prompted this repeated concern. Perhaps it read ' Suicidal' or 'Serial killer'?


Monday, July 16, 2007

Straw on the Camel's Back

The last straw fell yesterday. And I woke up with a vengeful sense of purpose: To get out of here. The work load has been increasing and bosses more demanding. I've had enough of being bullied into putting in extra hours after work to cater to the whims of the management. I might be chained but that doesn't put me in slavery.

I think it's counterproductive to squeeze productivity out of your staff at the expense of their personal life. It's not healthy. I'm not healthy. Thinking about it, my acid reflux problem is related to stress. Ever since I took over this portfolio, I've not had much time for a breather. It was one project after another, one paper following the next. I'm tired.

Over the last month alone, I've thought of how I would have resigned in three separate occasions. For a while, I've even deluded myself into considering a future in this place, seduced by a false sense of complacency and familiarity. But no more. I've had enough.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mood: Destructive

Such frustration building up that I've the urge to break something. I'd twirl my hair in my usual nervous manner and try to breaking them with my fingers. Of course my resillient thick hair resists such attempts with a scoff.

But the mental agony is not subsiding.

My inner peace recoils from the boiling dissatisfaction. I don't feel like myself.

I want to escape.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mood: Stuck

Work is a bitch. It's giving me some serious headaches at the moment and I really wish I could leave it all and disappear. The idea of being a stay-at-home mum is getting more and more appealing.

Nothing too drastic needed of course. If I could leave this place, I would in a jiffy. Till then, I guess I have to live with this stomach wrenching pain of staying.

In other news, there's nothing seriously wrong with my stomach. No ulcers, bleeding, cancer (touch wood) and stuff after they did a endoscope on me. (Jeez the IV they inserted sure as hell hurt. Fine, I'm just a wimp) I have some excess acid in my stomach... if only I could regurgitate it and spit it on all the idiots who pissed me off today. Hmm and probably burn my throat in the process too...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Busy Busy

Very busy. Lots of work. A few things

1. I'm now a Permanent Resident. Yay to extra CPF.
2. I finished my first really literary book of the year. (Graham Greene's A Love Affair)
3. I have gastricitis :( Or in more simple terms my stomach is being a bitch and doesn't want to digest some types of food. Seeing a specialist this weekend. Meanwhile, I'm burping like a cow.... moo

Sidenote: Another colleague mentioned today in jest that maybe I'm pregnant. I told her I'm gonna ignore her and walked off. No hard feelings. We were still on talking terms a few minutes later. But I'm wondering if I'm just being too sensitive about the whole thing. It just gets annoying when people treat your illness like a joke especially when you are sincerely worried about whether you have to live with this gassy crap for the rest of your life.