Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Good Weekend

It was a good weekend. I spent most of my time reading Raymond E. Feist's Daughter of the Empire. It's a fairly well written book with a decent plot and captivating writing style. Though I did end up feeling like I watched an action movie -- it was all BAM BAM WHAM from the beginning till the end. Character development was a bit lacking but it was a decent weekend book nontheless.

We also went back to our fav bowl of ramen at Marutama@Central. The mall has certainly gotten on a good start by attracting a variety of eateries, some of which can only be found in Central. The shops have a general Japanese theme about them with quite a few hawking trinkets, goodies and snacks from the land of the rising sun.

Of course, we also had many nice breaks cuddling in bed/ on the sofa. Somehow not doing anything but relax in each others arms is a great way to pass time. It's obviously not productive but just feels great.

Not to mention that his paladin is now level 60! Finally we can play together again. (This will be my 3rd level 70 character.... eep geek alert)

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