Saturday, August 28, 2004


In a burst of sudden health consciousness, we made a salad today. Half a lettuce, two tomatoes, a cucumber, half an onion, three hard boiled eggs and some ham, laced with Kraft Italian Vinegrette, and we're good to go. If you've never tried vinegrette before, I'd recommend it!!! I've always used to eat my salads undressed, so to speak since the only known alternative to that was Thousand Island or mayo. Somehow the creamy sauces just don't quite do it for me.

Johnny and I are not big veg eaters. In fact, we'd make denigrating vegetarian remarks. I have no gripes with those who turn vegetarian due to health or religious reasons. It's the holier than thou tones of those who claim to want to prevent "cruelty to animals" that sickens me. To most of them, it would seem that only "cute" and human-like animals are actually animals. Perhaps it's because people don't eat bugs but I don't think the thought of millions of bugs being squashed bothers them beyond the fact that it'll be pretty gross. Secondly, there are more things to worry about than whether domesticated animals who are no longer able live independently in the wild and were bred for the distinct purpose for providing meat are being eaten. There's war, global warming, the growing trash problem, water shortages, starvation.... It's pretty disgusting when you see the same people unscrupulously backstabbing each other, cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend, spending money recklessly etc. How can someone who does not even care for their fellow humans claim to want to protect animals? Perhaps that's a more American phenomena -- college students desiring to make some difference to the world to feel more alive, to feel that they are needed by someone or ,in this case, something.

It's not that I like to see animals suffer. There are practices in the world which makes my stomach turn. For one, I'd never eat foie gras. The poor ducks had a long funnel stuck into their esophagus and a bundle of food just pored into them. I'd never eat shark's fin. They don't taste that great and to kill a shark just for the fin is ridiculous. But I'd gladly eat beef (not veal though), chicken, duck, mutton etc. I do not believe they have been mistreated. They are well fed, sheltered and cared for. Does us killing them for food mean it's cruelty? Are we playing God here? Nopes. I wouldn't call a fox who eats chicken "playing God". And if I ever saw a bunch of monkeys domesticating some animals I'd probably thought they are extremely clever. Do these chickens and cows really want to do anything else? After the whole genetic selection done by humans, these domesticated animals would no longer be able to survive in the wild. If humans no longer breed them, these species actually runs the risk of being extinct. But all in all, the most important part is that we simply love the taste of meat. :)

But we loved the salad too. It's easy to make as well. Maybe I'll make another bowl next week

Posted by Hello

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