Saturday, August 21, 2004


For once, we are both pretty jetlagged. Blame it on the long afternoon naps (like 4 hrs) and then inability to sleep past 7am this morning despite falling asleep at 3am before. Or you could even say it was the bus' fault for making us reach home at 4am yesterday. But at least I got breakfast cooking this morning at around 10am only to fall asleep at 12pm when I was going to go to PMall and get some yummy Friendly's burgers. Hmmm now I'm feeling kinda hungry. Guess I should just get dinner cooking in a sec. Lamb chop, buttered mushrooms and broccolli on the menu today. Hmmmm..... yum! Hmmm damn, was supposed to have more carbo and less protein so I would feel more drowsy. Ah well whatever. Shall enjoy the last of our pre-semester couple-exclusive time. A friend is staying with us for the next week or so. Yeah... bummer

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