Saturday, March 12, 2005

My Music Stats

1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?

5.3 GB. 3.8 of which are from my free Napster subscription that the university bought for us. Those will be gone when I gradute :( On a totally irrelevant note, my manga folder is at 8.5 GB.

2. The CD you last bought?

BT - Emotional Technology

3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?

Not too sure really. Could be some Sheryl Crow song. Or Roxette. Or S Club 7. Or DJ Tiesto. Or BT. Or Eminem. Or Fat Boy Slim. Oh wait, maybe it was Rent? That's the trouble of shuffling my song selections. Well, I can tell you the song I'm listening to now is Wouldn't It Be Nice by Beach Boys.

4. Write down five songs that you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

Rockafellar Skank - Fat Boy Slim -- gets me in a nice groovy mood

Rest In Pieces - Saliva - It's a great song. Call it love at first note.

Roxette - I've been playing their song on repeat for years.

Def Leppard - Vault album -- also been playing this on repeat since secondary school (high school) days

Sil Suffisait Daimer - Celine Dion -- I don't even know what she is really singing about but I love the way it sounds.

5. Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

Nobody. No one else I know who owns a blog reads this blog. Plus, I don't really particularly care what other people listen to :P

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