Monday, March 07, 2005


There's this guy who has been complaining about being unemployed. The same guy also admitted that he tries his darnest to get by with the minimum amount of effort and hence barely graduated with a string of D's. The same guy also had a job. But he quit because he decided that the remuneration wasn't worth the emotional and physical effort required for it.

I don't know. To begin with, I'm surprised he even got a job with his academic results. If I was an employer, I can only conclude two things: 1) this dude is relatively smart but is indolent or 2) this dude is plainly dumb. Actually, in my opinion, if you're smart but simply can't be bothered, then you are really pretty dumb. Either way, those are not desirable qualities to have in a future employee.

So by some stroke of luck, he got a job. Great. Happy ending. But then he decides that he's too good for the job. And now he's moping because he can't find another one.

What I found most laughable was that part of the reason why he hasn't found a job yet, as far as I can gather, is that
he "insists on getting work that pays reasonably in the IT sector". It's not that he can't find a job. He just doesn't want one unless it's cushy, pays well and comes with little work.

Seriously, he needs to evaluate the worth he can bring to any company. I don't know what gave him the confidence to think he deserves all that. Bolstered by his unfounded self-esteem, he decided that the reason he in unemployed is not because his qualifications are mediocre at best or that his expectations are too high but because of "employment discrimination" whereby employers favor foreign talent . Now isn't that the classic excuse.

I'm sorry but I can't find much sympathy for someone who is basically a bum and expects people to court him like a king.

I sometimes envy the amount of confidence people can generate about themselves. Most of the time, I find that they are also the saddest people in the world: not knowing their place in the world, they perpetually feel mistreated, even victimized, not knowing that they were the ones to cast themselves into that position.

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