Thursday, August 07, 2008


A male colleague was ranting to us about the low pay, the poor working environment (why doesn't the company pay for transportation?). While they might be valid to some extent (the pay is truly not fantastic, and it is very far from civilisation), I find it hard to see where the resentment comes from. Especially from someone who has not even tried to adapt to the work culture or put in effort in his work.

Indeed Singaporeans are a materialistic bunch. This chap was doing part time work in his spare hours to supplement his income. But it is nowhere a necessity. Me and my partner both work in the same poorly paid job but we are well off enough. Money is honestly not the reason why I would quit my job. Basically, you can't pay me enough to make me stay. But even if I don't like my job, I won't slack off and leave the dirt to someone else to clean up after me. I wouldn't do unethical things like push to the front of the queue to get a seat and deprive someone of their rightful ownership. It's shameless. If you think it's okay and blame it on the environment, then you heart is not set right. Is it really alright for the ends to justify the means? Honestly, even though I thought he was an outright slacker, I'm disappointed that he doesn't have the integrity to be fair to other people. It's a big disgrace. And there he was complaining that because of the company, people were shoving each other as they get out. It's not the fault of the company that people shove their way out of the door at 5:20pm. 10 minutes before the official end of the day.

And then shortchanging on the bus fare because you had to stand? Why don't you just not get on? Yes, the company could have done better by providing additional shuttle buses to the nearest MRT but that doesnt make it alright to do things that pleases you but penalizes others.

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