Sunday, November 21, 2004

From exercising to needles

Bah I just found out today that the track at barton is only 200m per lap. And I thought I was running 400m. Man, I'm seriously unfit. I ran a total of 1080m. That's the total mind you, not what I ran in one stretch. I was pretty much pooped after about 2 1/2 laps. Oh well, at least I actually ran. It has been really irritating when doctors commented that I should exercise more when they try to locate my vein
for blood samples. That happenned twice. Sheesh can't you appreciate girls with some meat? Must be the prevalence of those anorexic types in Singapore.

Blood tests have always make me nervous. First there's the problem of locating my vein. The nurse or doctor would smack the tender inner arm furiously, trying to make the vein visible. It's like a screwed up gopher game -- instead of whopping the gopher that pops his cute little head out, you whoop the arm till the veins pop out. After the good arm exercise I give the nurse or doctor, they have the luxury of piercing my now variegated skin with a hollowed needle. Until now, I still squeeze my eyes tight when the doctor whips out a needle. Yes, even when I'm not the intended victim.

My first time was when first got to Singapore. I was nervous. I was so nervous that the blood gushed out and splattered the whole tube. I was rewarded by having to do it again. Actually I don't see what's wrong with blood geysering out. The whole tube was going to be filled up anyway. Maybe this is their way of providing disincentives to nervous patients.

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