Thursday, November 11, 2004

In Memory of Days Warmer

Overnight, all the remnants of summer had been stored away. Even the most stoic had discarded their handy flip flops and opted for something closed-toed. The goose-down jackets were whipped out in preference to the lighter summer coats. Suddenly, winter was here. In this ulu (translate: faaaar away from civilization) little college town, there are only two seasons: winter and not winter. And now that not winter is gone.

In preparation for my return in under a year, I've stopped looking at warm clothing altogether. Looking at the things I've accumulated so far, I'm gonna have some trouble bringing them back. Somehow it's Singapore all over again, an enforced spring cleaning that makes you evaluate all your belongings, give them some value and then discard the ones at the bottom of that list. Thinking about it alone gives me a headache. In the same thread of thought, I was reminded of the fact that I'd need to find a place to stay in Singapore as well. That's like a whole new headache altogether. Suddenly I'm really not looking forward to graduating.

On a different note, I'd be going to Phoenix in January to look at our clients repairshop. My feelings are rather ambivalent at the moment.


Anonymous said...

shihui: i just gave away a fed-ex box load of winter clothing to oxfam...on hindsight, i should have done it after winter, but i really wanted to reduce the clutter in my room....

meeloop said...

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I have lots of space in our apartment for our clutter :P

I thought you only had 4/5 fedex boxes of stuff to begin with. Or was that after you gave your winter clothes away.