Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I've been conspired against!!!

*waaaaah* I was going to bid on this Victoria Secret bra in luscious rose. Being the "savvy" ebayer that I am, I was going to snipe it to increase my chances. For those not familiar with the eBay lingo, sniping is to place a bid seconds before the auction ends. And to my dismay, as I clicked on the "Place a Bid" button, a horrible death sentence announced to me in the form of a pop-up text box initiated by Mozilla -- "The document has no data" What what whaaaaaaat? Another furiously click on the refresh button followed by the "Place a Bid".... the same window appeared. How can it be that as I was about to place my bid, the link just go dead?!? And then the auction ended. As I clicked on the old page which still told me I had 10 seconds left, I was able to place a bid. On the auction that just ended 2 seconds ago. *sigh* I really wanted that particular style and color too!!! Super grouchy now...


vyanne said...

hmm....i have never placed a bid on ebay before. How long does it take for them to deliver the goods to u?
Haha..seems like u have gotten alot of good deals from there and this time the fish has just slipped through ur fingers! Darn ! Never mind la..for all u care, the next good deal is just round the corner! So keep ur eyes wideee-open!

meeloop said...

the shipping kinda varies lah, depending on how much the shipping and handling costs it ranges from two days to twelve. Definitely not a case of instant gratification. :P