Monday, November 08, 2004

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

The very first snow of the academic year is here. The bulk of it melted within an hour leaving only a thin veneer of white powder. We drove down to turn in my homework which I had forgotten was due today until this morning. Well, at least I'm forced to finish it so I have less work left for the week now. If only I screw up the motivation to finish the rest...

I've become a lot more health conscious lately. Somewhat regularly exercising, cooking with olive oil, drinking low fat milk (lots and lots of it), using moisturizer with SPF... haha well, prevention is definitely better than cure. Won't really want to end up being those old ladies buying really expensive anti-aging cream in desperation. No real cure for wrinkles anyway. Nopes, Botox doesn't count. I'm determined to grow old graciously and accept my age whatever it is. Clinging on to youth that isn't there anymore is way too silly for someone old. Their immaturity makes me wonder what the hell they've been doing all these years besides seeking an elusive perfect self. Don't even get me started on women who need plastic surgery to feel more confident. If you really hate yourself so much you'd rather look like something else, I don't think you need surgery, you need to see a shrink.

Hrrrm, for that matter, most of you should have noticed that I've been a lot more fashion conscious as well. Not fashion in the I- must- follow- the- lastest- fads- and- get- those- bloody- overpriced- Manolo- Blahniks- and- Prada items. Just more interested in clothing and accessories than previously. I guess it's a result of the imminent work life. It appears that I'm preparing myself for the next phase of life. Or could it be I'm turning into a *gasp* girl? Whatever. I'm enjoying myself so it doesn't matter why or how. As long as I don't turn into one of those credit card swiping, debt- laden kids who spend way way beyong their means.

1 comment:

Manolo said...

Manolo says, to the Manolo it sounds like you are turning into not just the girl, but the super fantastic girl!

Muchos Besos!
