Friday, April 22, 2005


We're one step closer to selling our car. One prospective buyer has asked us to go for a buyer's check and I take it that she'll take it if all goes well. Hopefully that is the case and I will no longer have to worry about finding a good owner for my darling car. Yes, we treat the car like it's a little rombunctious baby. Well, more like a baby pet really. I think I will miss having him around.

The car currently consists of a significant portion of our monthly expenses but given the fun we've had with him, I think it was well worth it. I probably can't say the same for a car in Singapore. We've been relatively sedentary and our longest driving trip is the one to New York City. The car is more like a glorified shopping cart but without it, we wouldn't have access to cheaper groceries so that sort of covers a little of the cost of ownership.

Anyway, I've been trying to sell off some of the items we've accumulated so far. I'm practically giving them away (which I will do when I really have to leave). I've already pledged my PC to charity, on my way to selling the car, got rid of a few unused household appliances, sent off the few books with resale value... but there's still so much junk. Personal belongings like pillows and comforters that I still have to discard.

I feel somewhat guilty for creating so much trash. I think disposal of solid waste is going to be a really big problem and we should play our part in reducing the amount of junk we create. Next time I buy something, I will try and ask myself: "Is this something you will use until it break?" Somehow milking everything out of my purchases seems to give me as evident when my jeans literally fell apart

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