Saturday, November 20, 2004


Been really tired this whole week. Not much sleep and quite a bit of stress. Esp over my entrepreneuship group project. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. Part of the lack of sleep can be attributed to the fact that I MUD.

Crash course on MUDding. MUD stands for Multi- User Domain. They are usually text based adventure games. Pretty much like an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Game) without fancy graphics. Imagination provides far better graphics than current technology for MMORPGs can anyway.

Taken from Wikipedia,
"(In a MUD),Players assume the role of a character, and see textual descriptions of rooms, objects, other characters, and computer-controlled creatures or non-player characters (NPCs) in a virtual world. They may interact with each other and the surroundings by typing commands that resemble plain English.

Traditional MUDs implement a fantasy world populated by elves, goblins, and other mythical beings with players being knights, sorcerers, and the like. The object of the game is to slay monsters, explore a rich world and complete quests. "
To sum it up, it's a nerd thing. MUDders are pretty much a dying breed. In the MUD I play, racewars and player killing are the main features. The races are divided into the good and evil. Close to 100 people at any one time are sitting at their PCs typing furiously, cursing when they die and rejoice when they loot the corpse of the opposing race. A lot of people MUD because they enjoy playing with some of the others whom they have come to know. I dislike quite a lot of them actually. To me, this is like an RPG that I can play together with darling. I'm probably also satisfying my dragoness cravings -- I have a tendency to gather hoardes of equipment.

As I've somewhat hinted, some of the players can be real dinks. There's this guy, he's self-centred and basically a big bully. But he knows how to lead some difficult zones. So I heard. I've never followed him around before so I wouldn't know. What surprises me though is not only the number of people willing to put up with his boorish attitude, but the people who started justifying their own behaviour and started saying that he is actually not a bad type. Suuuuuure. Whatever. I'm not going near that shit with a 10-foot pole. The MUD is such a accurate reflection of people it's sometimes scary. Perhaps it's because most people are anonymously behind their PCs, allowing them to exhibit behaviour they would normally curb because it looks "bad". Plus doing something like climbing the MUD "ladder" doesn't seem quite as ack-ifying as climbing the corporate ladder. Sure, we all wish for respect from people we meet but I wouldn't pander to people I dislike so I could be in a band of so called elites.

Hmmm so judging from my MUD behavior, I have an aversity to interacting with people; I don't care about being the creme de la creme (well at least not in a text based game!); I like to hoarde; I'm more insecure than I think. Well,except for the hoarding part, the rest sounds pretty accurate :P Haha so keep your trinkets safe before I release the dragoness within me and take them all away.

1 comment:

vyanne said...

hee...mua had never been much of a game-player but it seems that ppl around me are ALL playing some form of PC games...and the games that ppl play almost have a defining property of wat kinda persons they are, hee.