Saturday, November 13, 2004

NaNoWriMo Part Deux

I didn't explain NaNoWrimo in my last post. It's short for National Novel Writing Month. It's a month where people who ever had thoughts about writing a novel join a competition to write 50,000 words in one month. Namely in November. The prize for winning is that you have written a book. The whole writing thing is about quantity not quality. It jolly well could just be writing a bunch of nonsense for one whole month, averaging 1,633 words a day. It's just suppose to get people started. It's for people like me who would say "Some day, I'd write a novel". What they are trying to get people like me to think is "Why not today?"

I'm a horrible procrastinator. I also have an inability to make myself do things I don't really want to do even if I have to do it. Inability is probably too strong a word since I've actually done those things. Melodrama at work. Lack of talent is probably more like it. Most things don't get done unless I have to. Sometimes, there is this surge of enthusiasm in me and I'd start cleaning/ cooking/ washing up/ emailing people... nothing that is really sustainable. Sometimes I wish has more willpower. Most of the times I can't be bothered. I'm happy as I am -- whimsical.

Well, at any rate, I'm not really ready for the whole writing thing this year. Next year, I promise I'd try. Meanwhile, I'll hunt for a plot and some potential casts to my story.


e* said...

this sounds interesting... we should both do it next year..

meeloop said...

We should!!! And then we can commiserate when we are experiencing writer's block or something :P