Friday, April 08, 2005

Moving Out. Again

So there was my annual dose of sickliness. It's like a whole years worth of sickness bundled into one. I guess it could be a sign of healthiness. If you're healthy, normal illnesses glance off you like
pebbles on a bullet-proof vest. So if something manages to penetrate it, it should logically be more powerful than your average sickness.

I'm now back to typing normal posts instead of those dumb cryptic one liners that I came up with while I was suffering from insomnia.

With only 5 more weeks of classes and less than 2 months before I depart for home, I'm occupied with the more mundane things like projects and packing up. I *think* I have relatively little to bring
home. I mean, besides a half dozen books, I only have my 1 1/2 wardrobe of clothes to get home. (1 and 1/2 because my clothes has spilled over and taken over half of my darling's territory) So I'll
ship the books home and the clothes should fit nicely into my two suitcases. Easy-peasy.

On the other hand, I have noticed a propensity for underestimating the sheer volume of things I possess. So we'll see how my optimistic estimation turn out this June. Trying my best to liquidate my other stuff before I leave as well.

You'd think that after all these years leading the nomadic life, I should be a pro in this whole moving around business. Well, I'm not. The whole logistics of moving home and then out again to Singapore is actually a fair bit of pain.

Johnny and I are thinking of moving out together. For one thing, his place is too far away from work. Of course we would also love to be able to have the privacy our own place would afford us. Even if it is rented. After so many years of living together, we can't really contemplate staying apart like normal boyfriend and girlfriends. It would mean I can't cook homely meals for him anymore. No more hugs and kisses as and when we like. We would probably have to meet outside fairly often instead of chilling on the couch. So economically and time-wise, we are probably better off renting a place. The pressure of staying with in-laws is too much for me to handle.

All this means that we have to find a reasonably priced flat or apartment to rent before we can afford our own place. I wonder if the company would actually provide me with a housing allowance. I have a sneky suspicion that won't be the case. I'd be lucky if I can get reimbursement for relocation expenses.


1 comment:

vyanne said...

Hmmm...seems like that are alot of practical issues to settle during this period of time.

I think it is relatively easy to rent a place in the meantime, and generally a HDB flat's monthly rent is abt 1K, sometimes u can even get it at 800 dollars.

hee, know what u mean abt the prospects of staying with in-laws, haha.