Tuesday, April 19, 2005

An un-nervous phone call

I don't know if I have mentioned this before. I have a phobia of talking to people I don't know. This especially applies to phone calls to businesses where I almost never know who I'm talking to. The making conversation part is fine. It's the period between me grabbing the phone and waiting for someone to pick up that is really unnerving.

About a month ago, I picked up someone's cellphone. Being the kind soul that I was, I decided to give his (it turned out) mum a call. It was the only person on his speed dial whom I knew would immediately identify who he is. I was afraid. What if she thought I was some crook or telemarketer? On hindsight, that's pretty irrational, nobody thinks of anybody that calls as a telemarketer... When I did call her, I got her answering machine. She called back later and I missed it coz I'm such a cellphone noob that I almost never hear/ feel cellphone ring/vibrate. So I finally talked to her and gave her my phone number for her son to contact me. I was quite happy with myself for challenging this mental hurdle. Of course subsequently, I made darling pick up the phone when the son called.

But anyway, I just called up the local papars to place a car ad to sell our baby car. To my surprise, I was relatively nonchalent about it. Just pick up the phone and get along with the business. Granted, I had broken out in a light nervous sweat when I was done but I think my phobia days might just be over.

1 comment:

e* said...

COngrats! I used to have a phobia of phones too. But it has improved over time. Now I'm almost normal, I thinK! ;-)