Monday, September 13, 2004

Blogging and Hotmail

After I placed my blog as my default page on Mozilla (yes, finally no more ie and it's accompanying exploitation) and my switch to blogger, the frequency of blogging has gone up significantly. For one thing, blogger makes it a lot easier for me to add stuff like pics and links which made me put up a list of links to those sites I visit frequently which then leads to me coming back to my blog more often which then makes me feel like blogging. Okay, after that long winded sentence and the distraction of reading other blogs, I've totally lost what I was going to say...

Oh yeah, I was thinking of how comforting it is that this blog is only frequented by people who are close to me. (actually I don't know that...there might be other people who sort of know me who reads this but let's just pretend there isn't... errr...or whoever it is, drop me a msg so I know you're here?) At least only people who are close to me officially knows this site. People who don't and happen to read nasty stuff about them here... too bad, you asked for it :) As I was saying, I feel very comfortable saying what's really on my mind. Like my fear of trying on shoes. Haven't really thought about that in while actually. When I was younger (like 11/12?) I really disliked buying clothes and I hated buying shoes with a passion.

Hey, suddenly this image of this red pair of shoes I used to own flashed into my mind. They are really flashy and shiny in the plastic-y kind of way but I used to really love them. They felt like they came out of a story book or wizard of oz. More random thoughts about little things I own are now flooding my memory banks at the moment. Like a red sports watch I had. Ok, cut, zip... need to focus. Yeah just ignore this last paragraph.

The thing is I can blab on and on because I know that no one is judging me. At least I hope no one is judging me :) When it comes to old friends, and I mean friends who have known you for at least 9 years, you can do all sorts of silly things and they still love you. It's like me not liking smokers. In fact, I detest them. When I see one on the street, I'll wish he/she would just die faster of lung cancer and not drag the rest of the world with him/her. But if say Eilene or Yufen suddenly takes up smoking (which I seriously, seriously hope they never do), I would still love them as them. It doesn't take away from any of the chummy and happy feeling I have in my relationship with them. It doesn't mean I won't advice them to stop or that I would approve but I won't judge. I can imagine that the same applies to me if i do something they don't like and it just feels, for wont of a better word, nice.

Onto a totally irrelevant and tangential topic, I find that while I'm starting to really respect the smarts in Microsoft, I still can't shake off the irritation of being of the wrong end of their devious (but legal (?)) tactics. Remember that time when Gmail first made it in the news and announced that their users would get 1Gb of mail space? Yahoo and Hotmail both said that they would also increase their mail capacity to 100 Mb and 200 Mb respectively. Yahoo's change was immediate (cheers for yahoo users!). However, Hotmail is STILL keeping me on my measly 10Mb. So yeah, I'm officially switching to Gmail. I've already successfully exported my address book anyway. ( It wasn't a particularly easy task either...*grumble*) Now the only things I have to do is change my email on the lists that I subscribe to. Oh yeah this is one of their sneaky tactics too. Free web mail providers don't forward email that has been sent to your old account to your new account if you disable the old one. This is so that the switching costs is high so you'll be more likely to continue using their products even though they are not the best in the market. So yeah take that, Hotmail aka Microsoft, I'm switching anyway!

P.S: Haha actually recently I find myself more willing to experiment with the technology that I use. I'm actually contemplating using Linux in the near future though I'm still slightly apprehensive.

Edit: P.P.S: Oh forgot to mention though, that I'll never ever buy an Apple product in the next 10 years at least. Absolutely absolutely no chance of me switching over to a Mac. Never really liked them all that much though I thought they were kinda cool. Well, not anymore, their iPod pissed me off when I couldn't transfer MP3s from the damn thing back to the PC. Luckily those were backed those up. But yeah, Apple = bad!

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