Thursday, September 16, 2004

Technophilic Assault

Okay okay, after some furthur investigations, I found out that Skype is not totally perfect, though it's still not bad nontheless. (could you guys email me your phone numbers btw? and yufen, could I get your icq/msn/aol nick as well?) To make a call, your computer needs to be decently high-performance. Something like a PIII 1Gb processor will mean that you cannot do anything else while you make a call otherwise it will hang your computer. A cable or dsl connection is also preferable. So I guess making free calls home is out of the question here. Well, not like it was ever in question since my mum and dad are techno-ignorant. Making them download and install the software, then register a nick etc would prob be beyond them. Plus my home pc kinda sucks ... so yeah. I guess this is just my sudden desire to enbrace technology kicking in. I kinda wanted a PDA a while back also though I'm now kinda not so hot about it anymore. Kinda expensive for a souped up organizer. And I really don't use my pen and paper organizers very often. Not from lack of trying either.

I guess despite what I've said before about being abroad is the same as say in Singapore, I guess I was wrong. In the NUS environment, I don't think I would have grew to enjoy my classes so much. I wouldn't actually like projects. I wouldn't be so techno-philic. I wouldn't have the desire to want to know more. I wouldn't be an OR major. I would not love cooking. I would not have enjoyed life in university as much. While dorms are a good place for socializing etc, I really really love our apartment here in Ithaca. It's my own little world here and I actually have my own fridge and kitchen. Without full reign over a kitchen, I would never have enjoyed cooking. If I had waited until I start work before I get a place on my own, I'd probably be too busy to cook etc. Or maybe not. At any rate, I'm feeling happy. Somehow everything is falling into place. I'm enjoying my courses this semester, more so than any other ones so far. So yeah I'm HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Whee!!! And it's the weekend again! Whee!

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