Sunday, September 05, 2004

My Creaking Joints

Heh heh after two days of "intensive" frisbee playing, I'm aching all over -- the joint of my fingers, my thighs, shoulders.... yeah pretty much the whole package except those muscles above the neck. Maybe if I try throwing the disc with my mouth or try to catch it with my teeth that will change. Somehow spending time playing (and exercising) makes my weekends feel more productive than usual. It's something out of the ordinary -- ordinary being me lying on the couch playing exercising my thumb on the PS2 controller. Might have something to do with my new found health consciousness. Btw did you know that they put flour in stew? Just sounds kinda weird that stew is pretty much dissolved flour with meat. I think the idea of the Oriental style clear soup still appeals more to me.

Decided to put up links to some stories I've read recently that are somewhat interesting. (Hot damn! I love blogger! It's so easy to link compared to dairyland. Heh whoops spoken like a true techno-idiot. Maybe after my IT course this semester I'll actually be a little more webpage-savvy. Lol)

Straits Times
Confession Anonymous
About a webpage for Singaporeans for people to confess their deepest secrets anonymously and let off steam. I personall just went to the webpage and marvel about how retarded most of those confessions are. Seriously, if you really like a girl, you either tell her or don't. What's the point in moping about it?

Taiwanese Stip-tease
I'm surprised to learn that at Hungry Ghost festivals in Taiwan, they actually hire strippers (fine fine, their term for it is dancers)

NY Times
Cost of Stress? US$300 Billion
The effects of stress on health apparently costs US $300 billion. I wonder if it's a similar scenario in Singapore? Conversely, some stress is also good for productivity. Is there a way to measure the threshold level of stress?

Screwed up School Ratings
The new federal system of rating schools have put many of the top schools in Florida under the category of failure. Reasons for that rating? Not enough students show up for a test or mentally retarded students do not perform at grade level.

Walmart and Productivity
Walmart has been hailed as one of the most productive and successful companies in the US. It was kinda interesting to learn that Walmart actually has more sales than Sears, Target, JCPenny, KMart and host of others combined. I never knew that Walmart is actually such a big enterprise. The article talks about how their success is actually based upon their low wage structure due to the large proportion of part-timers that they hire.

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