Sunday, September 12, 2004

Sole Disturbance

My sandals are "balding" in places. It's no longer smooth and cushiony for me feet. Rather, it chafes them, giving them ugly blisters. When it rains, it's reduced to a lump of sliminess. Not a pretty sight I assure you. They have obviously lived past their natural lifespan.

For once, sandals actually lasted for more than six months for me. I remember back in hostel days, some part of it would fall out after the predestined lifetime of half a year. I was quite convinced there was something funny with the way I walk that makes them do that. Now that I think about it, it's probably the result of buying those RM30 a pair sandals. My current pair actually cost $100++, I think. At least I'd like to believe so. The logic behind that was so that they could last me at least a year while I'm in the states. They were a pretty brown and actually made my feet look feminine and slim. My feet has always been a source of misery. I mentally cringe when I have to walk into a shoe department and buy a new pair of footwear. The countless memories of rejection -- "sorry we don't have one in your size" and the embarassment when their sizes aree smaller than usual so that when I try those delicate shoes on, I feel like an elephant in heels.

Nothing has really changed about that, much to my chagrin. Since my old pair of sneakers are also in a near death state and since sandals cost around the same as a pair of new sneakers and since the cold non-feet-baring months are soon upon us and since I already have another pair of sandals at home, I decided to buy a pair of sneakers. (despite all that rationalizing, still can't change the fact that somehow, me sandals dying on me made me buy sneakers) Yeah so I got a pair of New Balance for US$30. Not a bad deal if you ask me. For another 10 bucks I could have gotten a nike. But it's nike... plus the brands really hardly matter to me. My last pair was a new balance as well and kinda comfy. Haha when darling first saw the brand years ago, he thought it was some Nike rip-off since the logo was a big fat N -- for possibly Nike.

As far as I was concerned, my awkwardness in a shoe shop has not lessenned. I would have thought that like clothing, I should be significantly dwarfed in some way in the feet department. But when I tried on the pair that I eventually chose, I found that it was a wide and it fitted me perfectly. I guess I should rejoice that it fits well. But WIDE?!? Kinda demoralizing to think of my feet as wide though actually I have always known them to be so. I guess it's just the stigma of being wide when it comes to size. So the salesperson rather untactlyfully asked me if I'm sure I want a wide. Yeah yeah so my feet is proportionally bigger than my body size.... didn't have to rub it in. I guess if she has been a little more friendly to begin with I wouldn't have felt so bad. Nah, probably wouldn't have made a difference.

I guess that's one reason why I have never been a big shoes fan. Don't forsee myself having hundreds of pairs of shoes like a lot of women do. One for each occasion, each dress, each outfit, they say. I think I'll stick to my good old, serviceable, multipurpose shoes.


vyanne said...

Hmm...I never had the impression of ur feet being extra big lor..:P

I am a size seven.Kinda big for a gal too,i think, hee.

meeloop said...

I think I'm somewhere between a size 8 to 8 1/2. I have big hands too. (banana fingers/ spidery fingers depending on whether I want to be generous to myself) I've always thought that was proof I was destined to be taller. *sniff* I guess my growth hormones ran out after the feet and hands grew :(