Saturday, October 23, 2004

My Little Guzzlers

Baby car almost ran out of fuel today. After the New York trip, we haven't bothered stopping at a pump. By the time we got to the Tops petrol station, the "Warning, I have no fuel" light was actually on. We were behind this horrible queues of cars and the guy at the front of our line was taking forever. Maybe his truck came with a growling belly like ours. I almost thought we would run out of fuel from just idling. I guess this is when I'm really glad we got a fuel efficient Toyota instead of a guzzler.

Petrol was a horrible $2.089 per gallon. Not too long ago, people (me included) were marveling at the record breaking $50 per barrel oil prices. As of this Monday, crude oil was at $55 per barrel. I wonder if utilities have been affected by these prices. Well, I'm glad I don't have to worry about utilities in general.

Recently, I've been spending quite a lot. Not to the extent that I have to live off instant curry and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'm actually more worried about myself turning into one of those extravagant young executives (yes, the ones I usually scoff at) who spend beyond their means. I'm starting to see why there is the term retail therapy.

Once again, I'm probably just exaggerating my case here. A closer look at our expenses for the month shows that $1,500 of that are fix costs like my evil $1,180 rent, cable bills, parking fee, car insurance, textbooks etc. Hmm wait...Goodness!!! Food costs a whopping $700?!? How did we consumer $700 dollars worth of food in a month? Well... *sheepish smile* I guess our tummies are not unlike those SUV guzzlers. I guess I can indulge in some retail hedonism after all. *grinz*

Some of the stuff I bought recently:
a) 2 CDs (by Def Leppard and BT)
I justified this by the fact that I've never actually bought a single CD in my life. Yes, you heard me right. Not a one. The only CDs I own are the Savage Garden cds that Eilene gave me as a b'day present and some rap cd I got from prom night in Nanyang.

b) Boar bristle brush
I need a brush. Simple as that.

c) A coat and skirt combi
Errr.... I bought this mainly because I was looking out for something to buy. Since I couldn't find a satisfying bra, got this instead. *guilt trip*

Hrrrm doesn't sound so bad after I list them after all. Cheers, mate!

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