Sunday, October 17, 2004

Wegman's trip gone wild (laced with gripe about Cosmo)

It's official. The Wegman's store douses people with shopaholic powder. We went out with the intention of buying some spaghetti, milk and the yummy Ithaca Soda co ginger beer. We first tried it at Collegetown Bagel's. It's refreshingly unsweet, laced with ginger and has a nice kick to it. But it costs a freaking $1.70.

Going on a total tangent here but according to Cosmo, American guys will freak out if you have bulk groceries in your fridge. This 34 year old guy was quoted as saying " I was really digging Amy until I opened her freezer and found an enormous tub of cookies and cream ice cream. Either she's secretly harboring a family of five or stocking up for the next great depression." In the same article, another guy said that he met this girl he really liked that is "until I ... inspected her CD tower. It was like a sound track to my own personal hell -- Celine Dion, Whitney Houstan and ... Les Miserables...I thought, This is a girl who likes to cry herself to sleep" What what what? Listening to Celine Dion and Les Miserable equates to crying myself to sleep? Either Cosmo is great at finding guys with really stupid pet peeves or Americans are just plain weird.

I'm more inclined to think the former. Especially when they told me in the next few pages that body language that signals he loves me are as follows: tilted head, extended palm, lifted eyebrow and raised shoulder ("Shoulders are expressive because the trapezius, the hump of muscle between your neck and shoulders, is linked to emotional centers in the brain through special nerves. Riiiiiight. Special nerves) Cosmo seriously need to brush up their content and stop giving me this crappy page fillers.

Anyway, onward with the bewitching Wegmans. I came out with $52 of groceries. Somehow a simple trip to pick up three items (I even know which aisles they are on), became a full blown grocery shopping and it sure looks like I'm stocking up for winter. Stuff I came out with: smoked ham, mallow twirls (think chocolate covered marshmallows), Oreos, Chicken in a biscuit, potato skins, kit kat, cheetos, angel hair spaghetti, 2 gallons of milk, 2 cans of chunky soup (pot roast and beef and mushroom), 8 bottles of ginger beer @ 1 dollar a piece, red wine pate, grapes, peaches, tomatoes, quiche Lorraine and pistachios. Pretty much all of it is junk food. Hrrrrm.... I need to put Wegmans on my boycott list before I go broke from grocery shopping of all things.

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