Saturday, October 30, 2004

Last week

(*Long post alert* Get a nice mug of coffee and your most patient demeanor as you walk through my ramblings)

Sorry for the week long hiatus. It was my homework + prelim + random group meeting week. I have two classes which have problem sets due biweekly and they coincide on the same week so one week I'd be free (as a bird) and the next I'd be swamped. Let me try to recall what actually happened during the week:

Walked to my 8:40 class and then back instead of getting a ride from darling. He was so sleepy I didn't have the heart to drag him out of his warm bed. Also got my MEng group assigned. The project will be about inventory management stuff. Meeting with group members on Wednesday.

Tuesday - Thursday:
The in between days that appear as a blur. Choked with random homework and classes.

Arrrrgh, my beautiful red scarf is (mentally) scarred. It has been sitting next to darling's stinky socks the whole night. Some of the smell stuck too. *sniff* No more soft, warm scarf to wear to school. :(

At 4:10pm, dropped by at the library to return some books and grabbed even more magazines.

4:30pm, played basketball at North Campus. Well, darling was playing basketball with the guys (I guess this is equivalent to the boys night out?). I was shooting hoops which was kinda fun. I got 16 of 50 shots in, and later 12 out of 30 and subsequently 10 out of 20. At least I'm improving! *grinz*

Despite the popularity of basketball in Singapore/Malaysia and US, there are just very few women who play basketball. In Hwa Zhong hostel, we used to have basketball competitions but there were never enough teams to get a competition going. I was actually quite fortunate in JC where the girls in my class really enjoyed the game. So much so that we skipped PE (it was dumb ole great Singapore workout (GSW)) to play bball which resulted in us getting caught. Blearh. What's the whole point of the GSW anyway? Wasn't it to get people to be fitter? In that case, isn't playing a game of basketball much better? Or is it one of those get patriotic acts? Maybe if being patriotic means doing something stupid together. The PE teacher's attitudes are nothing to be proud of either, they might be "just doing their job" but their real job is to help students get into a healthy routine of exercising not just following orders.

Went to Victoria's Secrets to try on a bra. Apparently American sizes are a little different from the ones we have at home. Our cup A's are AA here. (haha like battery sizes. No triple A's though) and B's are American A's. Maybe it's another instance of size inflation. They had this beautiful sea blue bra in the Body line. It cost a freaking US$38. (= S$68 = RM144!!!)

Before I left the dressing room, I was trying to cook up some excuse to sneak away if the lady asks me the usual "How was it?". I don't think I can convincingly say that I didn't like it coz I do!!! I can't say it's the wrong size either coz she will then offer to bring me different ones or *gasp* measure me. Think! Think fast! Okay, I'll tell her I need a second opinion about the color and need to grab a friend. I opened the door, confidently armed with my excuse. Nobody was there. I was half relieved and almost disappointed that I didn't get to put on my best actress face. Mission accomplished! I'm now ready to order some (cheaper) bras off eBay where they sell overstocks. I'm such a cheapo :P

I woke up with physical evidence of a good work out the day before. My whole body is aching. This is the only type of ache that actually makes me happy. (Well, technically, if I'm so fit that I don't ache, that's even better)

Finally finally got my Def Leppard CD!!! It's been 12 days since I bought it on eBay. Yay, my CD collection is growing *beam* It was somewhat impulsive actually. I probably would be able to get it from a second-hand store in Singapore for less or something. How much do CDs usually cost anyway? I bought this one for US$7 (shipping included), is that a good or not so great deal? Oh well, too late!!! :) Wokies, gonna stop here. Have a good weekend everybody!


Anonymous said...

shihui: yo yo...looks like someone has been very busy huh...(hate it when pple say obvious things! *slaps self for having just done that*....just popped by to say hi...oh, and go read "the time traveller's wife" very touching, raw and real....

vyanne said...

haha...was wondering where u disappeared to. Ya mann, sometimes undergarments buying can be so traumatic when the salesgals are kepoh especially. hee. But nothing makes a gal feel more sexy than having a pretty set of lingerie huh!? * hi-5!*