Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Stupidly tired, stupidly because it's not due to work but because I was too busy playing Warlords Battlecry :( I'm actually more tired than my busiest week so far. Once again, I fell asleep during class. It's kinda bad when the class has only 20 people. At least I showed up. My 8:40 class has dwindled to 1/4 the usual attendence.

Presentation later tonight about RFID technology. Singaporeans are such horrible entrepreneurs. We had a great idea but whenever we reach some obstacle, they'd start saying "how? how?" instead of coming up with a way to improve and distinguish our product. I wish they'd do their homework and actually read about the technology instead of coming to a group meeting clueless and asking silly questions. Progress is so slow when the people you're talking to just don't get it. For once, I feel like I'm actually pretty special. I appear to have the ability to grasp concepts quickly and put them into prespective. I've always thought it is a ubiquitous skill. Either I'm wrong, or I have the luck of the devil to land myself with people who don't have them. That and my uncommonly seen common sense might just make me a winner!!! Riiiiiiight.....

Oh man, I'm so looking forward to my 1/3 pound bacon cheeseburger with cheese fries... tummy's growling but darling still has 25 minutes more of office hours to go. Maybe I'll distract myself by reading Kafka's The Trial. Haha if any freshies see me reading it, they'd probably think I'm crazy. It was supposed to be their reading for summer (much like my "Guns, Germs and Steel") and as with any reading forced upon anyone, most people hated it. Or maybe I'll go reply my emails... they've been rather neglected of late.

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