Wednesday, October 13, 2004


This coming Friday, I'm going to run a couple of laps around the Barton tracks. After my last fiasco of running three laps around 4 basketball courts and aching like an old cow, I decided I need to be more fit. Heart attack risks and all. Running is really my least favorite activity. I feel embarassed that I run as fast as some guys can walk but darling says he'll run with me *beams happily* I can even wear my Lerner NY track pants and spanky Reeboks.

Just wait for my Saturday morning (maybe even Friday evening) post with whines and groans as my creaking joints protest the work. Or worse, guilt trip when I somehow manage to talk myself out of exercising. Which happens often enough. *whistle innocently*


Anonymous said...

hello you!!

why don't u try something fun and vaguely violent like kick boxing? i hate running too....hui

meeloop said...

Yeah, i keep having thoughts of kick boxing. But then I'm stiff like a nut. Want to hear my joints creak as I do a mini-creak?