Saturday, October 16, 2004

Private Moments

I'm essentially still a very private person. There are lots of things between me and my darling that I did not tell anyone about. Esp the not so good days. Partly, I feel that it's not fair for him since this would be a one-sided account. On the other hand, I realize that the image I'm projecting of us is one of almost unreasonable bliss.

In actuality, we do disagree on many things. At the beginning when the relationship was still fresh, I cried buckets almost every day over some thing or another. He refused to believe when I told him that for the past years I've rarely cried *grump* Even then, we've never argued. (By argue, I mean raised voices, heated words etc) We are both somewhat good natured and I'm usually more upset than angry.

Over time, the tear ducts have dried up some. Our main disagreements usually occur over dinner when we talk about random stuff. One time it was about fat people, another time about translators for manga. Usually I get miffed at him for all of 5 minutes, mainly because I can't get him to think my way. I've learnt not to take those little arguments too seriously. Girls tend to view conflict as strictly negative but for guys, it's okay to argue over an issue and not resolve it. So as long as it's not personal, I've learnt to let it go.

Yesterday was slightly different though. That was the one time I've actually thought: We might just break up over this. The whole thing was pretty much a misunderstanding, but it left me hurt. For once, darling was angry. But in the end, everything is fine, we're closer than ever, some things were settled (like how he should give me a chance to explain before getting angry and not to do things that are deliberately hurtful) and I know with all my heart and soul that he is someone I want to grow old with.

1 comment:

vyanne said...

hmm...ya...arguments and disagreements are bound to happen, esp when u and him are staying together. But i am sure love and consideration will triumph over all these bumps along the way! :)